Feeding Children while School is Out

Kids Meal Network

According to Feeding America, there are 55,750 children, ages 0-18, struggling with food insecurity across the Greater Pittsburgh Area. Kids Meal Network (KMN) is Kidcelerate’s child nutrition program that strives to build the bridge between hungry children and those willing to safely provide nutritious meals.

When summer comes each year, thousands of kids across the Greater Pittsburgh Area are left without consistent access to healthy meals. Our 9 week summer program helps organizations like libraries and churches provide nutritious meals to children in food insecure areas. KMN offers a healthy meal to the young community up to five times per week.

As a Sponsor Organization with the USDA’s Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), KMN brings together 100+ volunteers to serve thousands of meals at locations across Western Pennsylvania. As required by the SFSP, locations are chosen based upon the number of children who are eligible to receive free and reduced meals during the school year.

Get Involved

Looking for ways to host a summer food site for kids in your neighborhood?

Kids Meal Network, a program of United Methodist Church Union, offers local churches an opportunity to serve the kids in their neighborhood a wholesome meal several times each week for 9 weeks each summer….. AT NO COST TO THE HOST CHURCH!

What does my church need to provide?

  • Site Manager - Someone from the organization or nearby community who‘s willing to take the lead and has (or is willing to get) their clearances.
  • Volunteers - While not required, sites operate more smoothly with a few community helpers! (Volunteers are also required to have current clearances.)
  • A Safe Space - An accessible place to serve the food where the children can sit and eat.

What does Church Union provide?

  • A hot or cold meal - Depending on the site’s abilities, both cold meals and hot (delivered cold and heated at the site-oven required) are available.
  • Food Service Products - Plates, utensils, napkins, thermometer, sanitization supplies, etc.
  • Stipend for Site Manager (1099) - The Site Manager can elect to redirect the stipend to the organization.
  • Assistance with Securing Clearances - Sites cannot open until Kidcelerate has received all the necessary clearances, and we can help you get them if needed!
  • Training - All Site Managers must attend a yearly Summer Food Service Program training session.
  • Oversite - Kidcelerate staff will be around to help your site be successful!
  • Help with Additional Programming - Programming is an important key to a successful site. Kidcelerate can help you get resources summer program.

Ready to take the next step in helping the children in your community access free and nutritious meals this summer?

Email Liz at [email protected] to get started.